Phoebe Putney Health System
Phoebe Putney, Albany, GA went live with Meditech on 10/1. The conversion to the Meditech system was part of the ProjectONE effort to streamline processes across the regional healthcare system. Within one week after go-live, Phoebe realized a 15-20 percent increase in computer generated orders.
Sedona Learning created elearning, classroom materials, provided instructors and rounding support for Phoebe’s go live. Jane Morris (Senior Clinical Informatics Analyst) from Phoebe Putney co-presented with Sedona Learning Solutions at the MUSE International Convention and had standing room only for her presentation. Great job Jane! Sedona is humbled and proud to be part of Phoebe’s success story.
Congratulations Phoebe Putney on obtaining measurable results from your implementation and training efforts!